

• Discovery
• UI/UX design
• Quality Assurance
• Front-end Development
• Back-end Development
• DevOps
• Delivery
• Support

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About Project

Last Mile Delivery is a service designed to enhance delivery efficiency and customer satisfaction through advanced technology. It offers real-time tracking, fleet monitoring, robotic deliveries, digital proof of delivery, and data analytics, along with comprehensive route optimization.

Goals and Solutions 🌟

The project aimed to revolutionize delivery services by integrating smart dispatching, route optimization, and robust feedback mechanisms. The goal was to provide a seamless experience for drivers and recipients, enabling businesses to refine their delivery strategies continuously.

Results for the Customer 🎯

The Last Mile Delivery service successfully improved delivery efficiency and customer satisfaction, underpinned by its advanced technology and user-friendly interface.

Business Challenges 📊

The challenges included integrating various advanced features such as live tracking, fleet monitoring, and ensuring real-time data accuracy and security.

Results Obtained 📈

The Last Mile Delivery service has established itself as an innovative solution in the logistics and delivery industry, significantly improving operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Order Info

App: The Order info page contains recipient contacts and delivery details: package weight and dimensions, address, and delivery window.

Web: The system  automatically builds the route preview, showing the optimal path on the map interface. The route preview also provides the estimated time of delivery.

Before assigning an order, the dispatcher reviews  at all the necessary information about orders: 

- Orders ID and its name
- Pick up location
- Delivery location
- Pick-up and delivery windows 

Once all the details are matched, the operator assigns the order to the driver.

Order Options

On the Reschedule screen, the Driver can change the order’s time or date (e.g., if the client can’t accept the package), confirming changes by pressing the Save button.

The Map screen displays the entire route with delivery stops and addresses.

Order Options

In the Orders tab, orders are displayed one at a time, depending on the execution sequence.

The Order form displays information about the recipient, dispatcher, delivery address, and delivery window. If necessary, the Driver can call or write to the dispatcher or the client.

The Route tab displays the details of the vehicle's movement along the way

Map View

On the  Map View screen, the dispatcher can view all drivers or all orders assigned in real time mode. It allows the operator to  track the delivery of each order. 

Proof of Delivery

By clicking on the Delivered button on the Order tab, the Driver automatically goes to the Proof of delivery page with a choice of delivery confirmation method: signature, photo, QR/bar code.

The Driver can also leave notes on the page in a special field.

When choosing a photo as Proof of delivery method, a camera window opens (directly in the app). The captured photo can be viewed on a separate Add photo proof screen.

Technologies and instruments 🛠️

Front-end: React Native, Next.js, React Query, Google Maps API, NetInfo, OneSignal, React Native Reanimated, styled-components, Sentry, CodePush, React Hook Form, i18n, CI/CD.

Back-end: NestJS, MongoDB, Prisma ORM, Mongoose ODM, AWS Lambda, Amazon S3, Firebase, RabbitMQ, Apache Kafka, OneSignal, Sentry, Datadog, i18n, CI/CD.

Get in touch with us today! Our dedicated team is here to assist you.

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